Insights from the experts
Our focused blog section talks about immersive technology developments, industry applications of simulation and much more.
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IoT in Manufacturing: Use Cases, Benefits and Examples

If there is any one industry that has been under relatively high pressure to adapt and evolve, that would have to be the manufacturing industry. Various businesses and companies are involved in this sector, leading to the production of different types and levels of products and goods.

And there’s been a concerted effort to improve the conditions, over time, mainly so as to smoothen operations and boost revenues.

IoT in manufacturing represents a welcome step in this direction as it actually does seem poised to achieve a lot for what’s required in the industry, all while reducing the costs and effort spent by the organizations involved. 

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AI in Manufacturing: Applications, Examples & Benefits

Modern methods of manufacturing and techniques have reshaped how industries operate across various sectors. It has seen the inclusion and upliftment of various operations and processes bringing tangible results and advantages.

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Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): How it is Transforming the Oil and Gas Industry

Manufacturing has seen digital transformations shake up many industries as practices and tools have evolved. It’s been a long time coming in certain fields, and the adoption of digital technologies for manufacturing processes has had several factors guiding it. 

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3D Simulation - Impacts on Design and Manufacturing Industry

The prominent nature of modernity and advanced technologies: they tend to spread their roots into every sphere of industries. The inevitable impact of 3D modeling and simulation is no exception. From small and medium to gigantic manufacturing companies, the implementation of 3D simulation is a modern phenomenon, aiding them to grow unconditionally.

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Digital Twin Technology – Importance of Digital Twin in Manufacturing

Global industries are striving toward digital transformation. Enterprises are trying on nearly all the advanced technologies to speed up their digital transformation journey.

Undoubtedly, the linkage between the physical and digital world is playing the role of the catalyst in the digital transformation efforts of industries worldwide.

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HoloLens in Manufacturing: Use Cases of Speeding Up Manufacturing Through AR

Increased adoption of HoloLens has paved the way to augmented reality manufacturing. HoloLens is an AR-enabled wearable developed by Microsoft. HoloLens has already become a staple within the industry through increased efficiency and reduced costs.
